The Mission of Texas Oil Environmental is to provide a prompt reliable professional service to our customers by minimizing liability, reducing operating cost and providing our customers with a safe environment while maintaining full compliance with all local, state and federal regulations.
Texas Oil Environmental, Inc. is a customer oriented company specializing in recovery products, but we offer a wide array of other services. Our main goal is to provide the customer with cost effective, honest and reliable service.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that approximately 200 million gallons of used oil are improperly disposed of each year, contaminating waterways and endangering wildlife. Texas Oil Environmental values the importance of the environment and shares the responsibility to the world to keep it clean.
By relying on us to handle your waste oil needs; we will help you to dispose of your used oil properly, whether the oil can be recycled or reclaimed. We accept many types of used and off-spec or contaminated oils, lubes, and fuels.
Texas Oil Environmental utilizes a network of disposal facilities to provide the best option for your waste water needs. Whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous waste, we can assist you. We only network with facilities that can promise to meet all Federal and State regulatory agency standards. This includes the EPA, OSHA, and the TCEQ.
If you could just take a few moments of your time to let us sample your waste water, we could more than likely save you a lot of money. Just one phone call could do it! We will be happy to come pick up the sample, have it tested and quote you a price by the end of the day.
Address: 3419 Trailmobile Dr.
Houston, Texas 77013
Office: (713)641-9877
Fax: (713)641-9880
Mobile: (713)927-6653
Email: •
Business Hours: 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday